Exploring badge accessibility
Various functions in usethis insert a badge into a package’s README file. A badge consists of an image with information about the package, which is usually hyperlinked to a location with further details. Here is a typical badge:
For example, the badge message might be “passing” or “failing”,
reflecting the R CMD check
status of its current
development state, and then link to the actual log file. Or the badge
could display the current test coverage, as a percentage of lines, and
then link to a site where one can explore test coverage
A key point is that the badge often presents dynamic information.
We’d like to improve the user experience for those consuming the README using assistive technology, such as a screen reader.
There are at least two ways that usethis can influence this:
- The construction of the hyperlinked badge. For example, we control the alt text.
- The image itself. We can encourage the badge providers to build accessibility into their badge SVGs. If the “native” badge is not accessible, usethis can substitute an accessible badge from a 3rd party, such as shields.io.
This article is meant to gather badge facts in one place and facilitate a dialogue with those using assistive technology.
Markdown image link
usethis currently inserts badges in a special “badge block” in the README, fenced with HTML comment tags. Within the badge block, each badge is a hyperlinked image, with alt text. Here is the basic form:
Note that the alt_text
should be a static label
explaining the badge’s purpose, whereas the dynamic information is baked
into the externally-served image.
usethis definitely controls this alt_text
, so that is
something I’d like feedback on.
Badge image
Most badges these days tend to be SVG files, which is fortunate, since SVGs can carry attributes to support accessibility. We demonstrate this with a custom badge generated via the shields.io web service.
I will request a badge with this URL:
Here it is as a badge, with the hyperlink set to https://shields.io/. The badge is inside an HTML comment block, like usethis does for README badges. I’ve prefixed every field I can influence with “my”; there are 3 such fields:
- The alt text.
- The label. This static text appears on the left side of the badge, on a grey background, and describes the badge.
- The message. This text appears on the right side of the badge, on a colored background. This is often the dynamic part, where both the color and the text convey a dynamic fact, e.g. “passing” on a green background or “failing” on a red background.
Now we inspect the badge SVG. I apologize in advance for the amount of data displayed here, but it seems good to show one badge in full gory detail. Later, we will display badge information very selectively.
inspect_badge <- function(badge) {
badge %>%
read_xml() %>%
as_list() %>%
#> $title
#> $title[[1]]
#> [1] "my_label: my_message"
#> $linearGradient
#> $linearGradient$stop
#> list()
#> attr(,"offset")
#> [1] "0"
#> attr(,"stop-color")
#> [1] "#bbb"
#> attr(,"stop-opacity")
#> [1] ".1"
#> $linearGradient$stop
#> list()
#> attr(,"offset")
#> [1] "1"
#> attr(,"stop-opacity")
#> [1] ".1"
#> attr(,"id")
#> [1] "s"
#> attr(,"x2")
#> [1] "0"
#> attr(,"y2")
#> [1] "100%"
#> $clipPath
#> $clipPath$rect
#> list()
#> attr(,"width")
#> [1] "144"
#> attr(,"height")
#> [1] "20"
#> attr(,"rx")
#> [1] "3"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "#fff"
#> attr(,"id")
#> [1] "r"
#> $g
#> $g$rect
#> list()
#> attr(,"width")
#> [1] "61"
#> attr(,"height")
#> [1] "20"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "#555"
#> $g$rect
#> list()
#> attr(,"x")
#> [1] "61"
#> attr(,"width")
#> [1] "83"
#> attr(,"height")
#> [1] "20"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "#fe7d37"
#> $g$rect
#> list()
#> attr(,"width")
#> [1] "144"
#> attr(,"height")
#> [1] "20"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "url(#s)"
#> attr(,"clip-path")
#> [1] "url(#r)"
#> $g
#> $g$text
#> $g$text[[1]]
#> [1] "my_label"
#> attr(,"aria-hidden")
#> [1] "true"
#> attr(,"x")
#> [1] "315"
#> attr(,"y")
#> [1] "150"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "#010101"
#> attr(,"fill-opacity")
#> [1] ".3"
#> attr(,"transform")
#> [1] "scale(.1)"
#> attr(,"textLength")
#> [1] "510"
#> $g$text
#> $g$text[[1]]
#> [1] "my_label"
#> attr(,"x")
#> [1] "315"
#> attr(,"y")
#> [1] "140"
#> attr(,"transform")
#> [1] "scale(.1)"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "#fff"
#> attr(,"textLength")
#> [1] "510"
#> $g$text
#> $g$text[[1]]
#> [1] "my_message"
#> attr(,"aria-hidden")
#> [1] "true"
#> attr(,"x")
#> [1] "1015"
#> attr(,"y")
#> [1] "150"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "#010101"
#> attr(,"fill-opacity")
#> [1] ".3"
#> attr(,"transform")
#> [1] "scale(.1)"
#> attr(,"textLength")
#> [1] "730"
#> $g$text
#> $g$text[[1]]
#> [1] "my_message"
#> attr(,"x")
#> [1] "1015"
#> attr(,"y")
#> [1] "140"
#> attr(,"transform")
#> [1] "scale(.1)"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "#fff"
#> attr(,"textLength")
#> [1] "730"
#> attr(,"fill")
#> [1] "#fff"
#> attr(,"text-anchor")
#> [1] "middle"
#> attr(,"font-family")
#> [1] "Verdana,Geneva,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif"
#> attr(,"text-rendering")
#> [1] "geometricPrecision"
#> attr(,"font-size")
#> [1] "110"
#> attr(,"width")
#> [1] "144"
#> attr(,"height")
#> [1] "20"
#> attr(,"role")
#> [1] "img"
#> attr(,"aria-label")
#> [1] "my_label: my_message"
#> attr(,"xmlns")
#> [1] "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
#> attr(,"xmlns:xlink")
#> [1] "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
It is my understanding that the two main pieces of metadata are the
and the aria-label
attribute. Here I
reveal just those two items from the badge:
inspect_badge <- function(badge) {
x <- badge %>%
read_xml() %>%
as_list() %>%
title = pluck(x, "title", 1),
`aria-label` = pluck(x, attr_getter("aria-label"))
#> $title
#> [1] "my_label: my_message"
#> $`aria-label`
#> [1] "my_label: my_message"
This badge carries the same information in the title
in aria-label
, which is “my_label: my_message”. I would be
interested to learn more about why the same information is included
twice and if that is a good or bad thing for the screen reader
shields.io badges are accessible today
One of the reasons I inspected a shields.io badge is that this may provide a usable alternative for any service whose official badge is not (yet?) screen-reader-friendly.
The custom badge above is completely static. But shields.io also supports custom dynamic badges, when the necessary information (label, message, color) is available from a suitable JSON endpoint. Finally, and most relevant to usethis, shields.io offers pre-configured dynamic badges for the most commonly “badged” services, including GitHub Actions and Codecov.
Here is a shields.io badge for usethis’s R CMD check
workflow on GitHub Actions:
Again, I am indicating fields I control with my_alt_text
and my_label
, so it’s easier to get feedback on what
usethis should do.
Here is the title
and aria-label
of the
badge above:
#> $title
#> [1] "my_label-R-CMD-check: https://github.com/badges/shields/issues/8671"
#> $`aria-label`
#> [1] "my_label-R-CMD-check: https://github.com/badges/shields/issues/8671"
Now we will take inventory of the main badges inserted by usethis and where things stand re: accessibility.
R CMD check
We generally obtain the current R CMD check
status from
a GitHub Actions workflow.
Here is the official badge provided by GitHub:
Here is the title
and aria-label
of the
badge above:
#> $title
#> [1] "R-CMD-check.yaml - passing"
#> $`aria-label`
At the time of writing (late December 2021), the badge does not include such information.
I have requested this in GitHub’s Actions and Packages Feedback forum and the response from GitHub is encouraging. Hopefully the native badge will gain improved accessibility early in 2022.
In the meantime, one could use a shields.io badge to report
R CMD check
status, as demonstrated in the previous
section. A maintainer could do this as a one-off or, if the GitHub badge
upgrade is slow in coming, we could implement it in
Package lifecycle
declares the
developmental stage of a package, using the framework from https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html. This
function already inserts a shields.io badge:
Here is the title
and aria-label
of the
badge above:
#> $title
#> [1] "lifecycle: stable"
#> $`aria-label`
#> [1] "lifecycle: stable"
It’s possible that usethis should be using a badge “owned” by the
lifecycle package. I think we don’t do so now, because declaring the
lifecycle stage of a whole package does not necessarily imply the need
to take a formal dependency on the lifecycle package, which is usually
what causes badges to be copied into the man/figures/
Also, the badges shipped by the lifecycle package are not
currently accessible, which is another reason not to use them. But I
have opened an issue about this (https://github.com/r-lib/lifecycle/issues/117). This
should be a relatively easy fix, since these are static badges. Once
done, package maintainers would need to update the SVGs that are stored
in man/figures/
CRAN status
places a badge that indicates
what package version is available on CRAN. This badge is served by
METACRAN (https://www.r-pkg.org) and maintainer Gábor Csárdi has
already incorporated aria-label
into the badges (in this
commit). All available badges are listed here.
Here’s the badge placed by
Here is the title
and aria-label
of the
badge above:
#> $title
#> $`aria-label`
#> [1] "CRAN 3.1.0"
At the time of writing (late December 2021), aria-label
is present, but title
is not. I would be interested to know
if this is a good situation for those using a screen reader.
Code coverage
usethis::use_coverage(type = c("codecov", "coveralls", ...)
calls the internal helper usethis:::use_codecov_badge()
insert a badge for either the Codecov or Coveralls service.
Here are examples of those two badges (note that usethis does not use Coveralls, so I’m using a different package to demo):
Here are the title
and aria-label
of those
#> $title
#> $`aria-label`
#> $title
#> $`aria-label`
At the time of writing (late December 2021), neither badge offers a
or aria-label
Here are badges from shields.io for Codecov and Coveralls:
Here are the title
and aria-label
of the
shields.io badges::
#> $title
#> [1] "test coverage: 59%"
#> $`aria-label`
#> [1] "test coverage: 59%"
#> $title
#> [1] "coverage: 19%"
#> $`aria-label`
#> [1] "coverage: 19%"
If a package is on Bioconductor,
can be used to insert a badge for
its Bioconductor build status.
Here is such a badge:
Here is the title
and aria-label
of that
#> $title
#> $`aria-label`
At the time of writing (late December 2021), the badge does not have
a title
or aria-label
It’s not immediately clear how to resolve this, but I suspect that Bioconductor would be receptive to a request to create more accessible badges.