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use_description() creates a DESCRIPTION file. Although mostly associated with R packages, a DESCRIPTION file can also be used to declare dependencies for a non-package project. Within such a project, devtools::install_deps() can then be used to install all the required packages. Note that, by default, use_decription() checks for a CRAN-compliant package name. You can turn this off with check_name = FALSE.

usethis consults the following sources, in this order, to set DESCRIPTION fields:

  • fields argument of create_package() or use_description()

  • getOption("usethis.description")

  • Defaults built into usethis

The fields discovered via options or the usethis package can be viewed with use_description_defaults().

If you create a lot of packages, consider storing personalized defaults as a named list in an option named "usethis.description". Here's an example of code to include in .Rprofile, which can be opened via edit_r_profile():

  usethis.description = list(
    "Authors@R" = utils::person(
      "Jane", "Doe",
      email = "",
      role = c("aut", "cre"),
      comment = c(ORCID = "YOUR-ORCID-ID")
    Language =  "es",
    License = "MIT + file LICENSE"

Prior to usethis v2.0.0, getOption("devtools.desc") was consulted for backwards compatibility, but now only the "usethis.description" option is supported.


use_description(fields = list(), check_name = TRUE, roxygen = TRUE)

use_description_defaults(package = NULL, roxygen = TRUE, fields = list())



A named list of fields to add to DESCRIPTION, potentially overriding default values. Default values are taken from the "usethis.description" option or the usethis package (in that order), and can be viewed with use_description_defaults().


Whether to check if the name is valid for CRAN and throw an error if not.


If TRUE, sets RoxygenNote to current roxygen2 version


Package name


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

use_description(fields = list(Language = "es"))

} # }